Friday, February 19, 2010

Brave Mom Flower Card

My friend just sent her son on his mission to Arizona. She was brave. I hope to be like her some day.
Since I am teaching a technique class on paper flowers next weekend at Crop Because You Care to benefit the Epilepsy Association of Utah, I thought I had better start practicing. These are fun and very easy.
Accordion Flowers: Cut paper 1 1/4 by 12 and fold back and forth. Attach ends and flatten. Squeeze center together tightly. I cut a circle and put a large Zots and stuck it to the folds to hold secure.
Fringe Flower: Cut a 2 by 12 inch strip of paper. Fold in half. Cut fringe all along the unfolded edge. Scrunch the fringe to make it fluffy. Put a little adhesive along the folded edge and roll.
Let me know if these instructions don't make sense, or you would like more info.
Spring is coming, even to Idaho! The crocuses are starting to peak their little green heads out through the snow. They were bread to be hearty little things. I wish I was as hearty in the snow.

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day because there are lots of opportunities to make fun things for those you love best! We started the day off with a very rushed breakfast (thanks to 9 am church!) of pink cherry heart pancakes.

When the kids got up, they sheepishly said with big grins, "we knew you were making those for us, Mom." So much for the element of surprise. Those kids have no idea how lucky they are.
Even Alex got creative. He made these origami roses for his girlfriend. Very crafty and clever!

We had a fun Valentine Dinner at the church on Friday. The decorating committee was brilliant; they assigned people to decorate these giant poster board hearts, then they put them up all over the gym. It looked great!

I added tulle and lace to the border and printed off a vintage valentine picture. I used some black and cream patterned paper ad added a few embellies. The words were cut with my cricut.

My Valentine for the one I love. I had a little trouble putting the micro beads on the key. It just didn't cover very well. I'm going to have to play with this. My chipboard Y was missing, so I had to cut off part of an x. DH didn't really get the message. I had to explain it to him "key to your heart . . . "

" through your stomach!" He loves Arby's (he got that part ;).

A little Fry box altered for my BDD (big dear daughter) My BDS got one of these too.

The three younger ones got Target mailboxes altered to match their rooms. These were quick little jobs.

Fun Cosmo Cricket robots!

Fun day of love and giving!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Little Valentines Photo Valentines

It has been way too long since I've posted, and I am going to make up for it, I promise!!!

Here is a really fun, easy Valentine--maybe for next year since Valentine's Day is only 3 days away {Unless you're really quick and take advantage of 1 hour photo like I did}.

This is the "After" Photo.

...and this would be before {Backwards, I know} So, you take a photo of your child with his fist out. Then edit the picture with a message and print. Cut slits above and below the hand and slide the pen or pencil or sucker or pixie stick through the slits.
It really plays tricks with your mind. That's why I love it so much! We did Rose Pens for the teachers.